Monday 6 January 2014

Swiss Roll

This is a really handy recipe to have if you'd like to serve cake without the long bake. It's easy, it's quick and it goes down well with most.

250ml sugar
5ml baking powder
4 eggs, separated
250ml flour
60ml cold water
Smooth apricot jam
Castor sugar for the top

Beat the sugar and egg yolks one by one.
Add water.
Add the flour and baking powder.
Beat the egg white to hard-point (it's when you remove the whisk and the egg white stands at a point without flopping over).
Mix in the egg white.
Line a flat pan with lunch/wax wrap.
Pour into the pan.
Bake for 10 minutes at 190°C.
Throw out onto a damp cloth.
Remove the wax paper. Spread on apricot jam over the top.
Use the cloth to roll the Swiss Roll into a circle.
Sprinkle with castor sugar. Serve

Alternatives to apricot jam: (1 hour process just for filling - good for fancier occasions)

Mocha butter cream

100ml castor sugar
125ml water
3 egg-yolks
225ml butter or margarine
30ml coffee powder
2.5ml cocoa
5ml brandy
2.5ml vanilla essence

Place the castor sugar and water in a small pot and cook over a med heat, stirring until melted. Bring to the boil and allow to boil gently for 5 minutes until the syrup becomes thick and reduced by half.
Place the egg-yolks in a bowl and beat to a pale yellow with an electric mixer. Add coffee powder, coca, brandy and vanilla essence. Pout in the hot syrup in a very thin stream, beating continuously until the mixture resembles a thick pale mousse. Cool to room temperature.
Dice the butter or margarine into small pieces and leave to stand at room temperature for at least 10 minutes for the margarine and a little longer for the butter to soften. Beat the butter or margarine into the egg mixture bit by bit, beating well after each addition. Continue in this manner until a smooth light emulsion is obtained. Refrigerate for at least 30 minutes. Unroll the cake and spread with butter cream.

Garnish with:
Dark chocolate melted or chocolate leaves
Almonds, toasted

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