Monday 6 January 2014

Home made chutney

We normally get together as a family and work together, then split what we get out.
This generation has lost the drive to make their own jam and chutney. It's just easier to buy it. Not nothing compares to home-made. Once again, it's quite a lot of work, but preserved correctly, you could have enough for the family for years and it definitely tastes way better.

5kg yellow peaches
1.3kg onion
1.5L brown vinegar
30ml salt
2.7kg sugar
7ml cloves
10ml red pepper
10ml ginger
10ml all spice
12ml curry
7ml coriander

Remove fruit from pips.
Finely chop all peach and onion. (A processor will help - doing it by hand will be terrible and take too long)
Put in a huge pot (this specific recipe is big enough for a 50L pot - you can cook smaller amounts by dividing recipe)
Cook for 2 - 2.5hours before bottling and labeling.

You can add more or less red pepper based on how hot you'd like your chutney

- Batch from 2011 preserved and stored at the back of my cupboard (",).

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