Wednesday 8 January 2014

Lamb shank

I love making lamb when guests come over. Everyone wants this recipe and NO ONE believes how easy it is. This specific recipe is my own adaption from many other recipes. I personally try lamb at every restaurant I eat at that offers it, and I must say, I like mine better (",)  

The correct thing would be to coat the meat with flour (flavoured with salt and pepper), and pan-fry both sides to seal the meat but to be honest, I don't even do that anymore. I  just place the raw meat in a dish and it personally doesn't change a thing for me. And not doing it saves dishes and time.

Add whatever veggies you prefer. Below is what I normally use. But if you want to prepare just the meat, then using just the above as is will work just fine and still come out amazingly. the meat somehow alters the soup to a rich sauce! It's yummy!


4 Lamb shanks - whole or cut up, depending on your preference. It's always good to have                                            pieces if there are kids
2 packets Knorr Cream of Tomato soup - I also use Oxtail, Brown Onion or Beef and Onion                                                                                              soup. All  work equally well.
1 large onion - cut however you prefer
250g Patipans - left whole
250g Zucchini - cut in half
4 Carrots - cut to preference
250ml wine - I use Rose or Sweet Red - (optional)


Place the meat in an oven dish. 
Mix 500ml water with each packet of Knorr soup. Pour over the meat. (600ml if you not using wine)
Place onions over meat. 
Pour over wine.
Cover with foil and bake for 1.5 hours at 180°C. Check the meat after one hour and the liquid levels. Add water if necessary. 
Place the rest of the veggies. 
Continue to bake for another 30 - 45 minutes. 
Meat will be falling off the bone.

Serve over rice or mash. There will be enough sauce at the bottom of the pan. 

No extra spices needed. Just that. It's that easy. Really good when having lots of people over. Minimal work with results that make it seem like you've been slaving for hours.

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