Monday 6 January 2014

Asparagus Tuna Tart

Although I'm honestly not an asparagus fan, I have had this before and most people LOVE it. It is slightly pricey. But worth every penny

750ml flour
1ml salt
50ml milk
10ml baking powder
200ml sunflower oil

Sift dry ingredients together. Add oil and milk. Make a dough. Line a 35 x 25cm dish.

1x 200g tuna (drained and flaked)
1x Tin asparagus, drained and chopped
250g bacon, chopped and fried.
1 onion, chopped and fried
200ml white sauce (see below)
375ml grated cheese (of choice but i'd use Cheddar/Gouda)
3 eggs

Combine tuna, asparagus, fried onion and bacon.  
Add cheese.
Beat eggs and add to above mixture. 
Add white sauce. 
Pour onto crust. 
Bake in a preheated oven at 180°C for one hour. 
Serve hot.

Basic white sauce:
100g of butter/margarine
salt & pepper
milk, about a 1L
large saucepan
a whisk

Put a large saucepan on a medium heat and melt the butter.
When the butter has melted, start chucking in some flour, little bits at a time while whisking.  This mixture will burn easily, so I normally take it off the heat every now and then, basically heating it up and then mixing in more flour off the heat.
Continue with this process until it becomes a paste like this.

Cook the paste for a bit, just be careful to not burn it, if it burns your sauce is ruined.  We have to cook it a little bit in order to get the sauce to not taste all floury though. Continue with the on and off heat  method and you should be fine, a minute or two will do.  Now start adding milk, little bits at a time (I suggest you do this off heat too). Add about 100 ml of milk at a time, mix it in properly, and then put the pan back on heat.  You will notice the sauce will thicken as it cooks. Continue this for a while, until you have the consistency you want.  Leave it to simmer on low heat for a couple of minutes to cook off any floury taste that may still be there.  Season with salt and pepper (use white pepper if you do not want black flecks in your white sauce).

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