Monday 6 January 2014

Buttermilk Rusks

I know that quite a lot of people like Ouma's Rusks. I personally don't at all! This recipe my mom got from her gran. Once again, it's the best I've ever tasted - to the point where I don't eat rusks at all unless it's my moms. It is hard work so be warned but it's so worth it! Be careful of those extra kg's though, it's that good!

2.5kg self rising flour
12ml salt
10ml baking powder
3 eggs
500ml sugar
500ml oil or margarine
1.5L buttermilk

Sift the flour. Add the salt and baking powder
In a seperate bowl, beat the eggs, sugar, oil/marg and buttermilk.
Add the liquid to the flour mix. Knead well.
Grease tins well and make dough into balls and pack them firmly togehter.
Let it rise for 1 hour. 
Bake in the oven at 180°C for 45minutes.
Let it cool and break apart in pieces.
Place back in the oven to dry at 200°C.

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