Wednesday 8 January 2014

Best beef patties

I don't know if it's just me, but burger patties are getting thinner and thinner with less and less real meat in them. Thanks to this recipe, you don't ever have to worry again. It's really good, juicy and it's a much better alternative than all the soy substitutes out there.

500g minced beef
1 onion, chopped
1 slice of white bread, crumbed (I just use the fine side of a grater)
1 egg
salt and pepper
pinch of dried thyme

In addition to the recipe my mom always adds:
Steak and Chop spice
Tablespoon of chutney

Mix all the ingredients together lights with a fork.
Roll mixture between two layers of waxed paper to desired thickness
Cut into circles. 
This recipe makes about 12 patties of 10 cm diameter, 2 cm thick. 

I'd just roll it into a ball and press down or use Tupperware's Burger maker holders... Either way.
I'd go as far as coating with Steers burger sauce and for a braai with friends, nothing better than a juicy man-sized burger!

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