Wednesday 1 January 2014

Flop free pancakes

I make these often. It doesn't need to stand before being used (even though the recipe suggests letting it stand for 30 minutes) and is much better than the other recipes I've tried. It is richer than a standard batter.

250ml milk            or            400ml milk
3 eggs                                  2 eggs

200ml flour
2ml baking powder
2ml salt
30ml melted butter/margarine
oil to coat pan to cook pancakes

Beat eggs and milk together. Combine all the dry ingredients in a bowl and make a well in the centre. Add half of the egg and milk mixture. Mix till smooth. add the rest of the egg and milk mix. Add the melted butter. Mix well

Heat pan over med-high heat.
Coat the bottom of the pan (even if it's non-stick) with oil. Once heated, remove excess oil. Pour in batter, tilting pan to cover the base evenly. Adjust the amount or consistency of the batter and the heat of the pan to cook perfect pancakes.

When bubbles appear and the batter starts to set, loosen the pancake carefully with a spatula and turn over once it is golden underneath.

Coat with cinnamon and sugar mix.

Batter makes 8-10 pan
Refrigerate the batter for up to 24 hours
Refrigerate the pancakes for up to 2 days.
Prepare no more than 4x recipe at a time to mi comfortably.

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