Friday 3 January 2014

Perfect pumpkin fritters

Always popular and a very typical accompaniment to a meal of roast lamb, pork or poultry, bobotie or curry. This recipe ensures a neat, round and crispy pumpkin fritters. When not served with meat, it can be welcomed as a sweet treat after the meal, served with a generous sprinkling of cinnamon sugar and syrup.


250ml pumpkin, cooked until dry and well drained
2 eggs
250ml cake flour
15ml sugarpinch salt
1ml cinnamon
7.5ml baking powder
sunflower oil for frying
cinnamon sugar (10ml cinnamon mixed with 125ml sugar)

Mash the pumpkin and eggs well and add the flour, sugar, salt cinnamon and baking powder. Mix until evenly blended. The batter should be moderately firm and the consistency depends on the moisture content of the pumpkin - if necessary, add a little flour.

Pour oil to a depth of 50mm into a saucepan and heat to moderately hot. Drop tablespoonful of the mixture neatly into the oil and fry until golden brown on all sides, turning occasionally. do not fry until too dark, for the flavour and appearance will be impaired. Adjust the temperature of the oil as necessary.

Lift out with a draining spoon and drain on absorbent paper.Arrange on a serving platter and sprinkle lightly with cinnamon sugar. 

Cover loosely with foil and keep warm in a cool oven until ready to serve (preferably no longer than 20 minutes)

Makes 12-16 fritters
Can be frozen and used later
Enlarging: as many as needed

For an optional sauce over the fritters:

500ml sugar
250ml water125ml milk30ml butter or margarinePinch of salt10ml  maizenapinch cinnamon (optional)

Heat all ingredients (except maizena) together in a pot until it boilsMix maizena with a little water and add to boiling mixture.Pour over the fritters just before serving

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