Saturday 5 May 2018

Chocolate syrup cake

A moist cake is always a winner... This one was discovered on Facebook and it's WOW

Ingredients for cake:
1½ cups flour
1½ cups sugar
45ml cocoa
¼ cup of oil
¼ cup boiling water
6 eggs separated
½ teaspoon salt
15ml baking powder
5ml vanilla essence

1.       Mix flour, cocoa and sugar together.
2.       Add oil and boiling water and stir to dissolve the sugar.
3.       Stir in egg yolks then salt, vanilla and baking powder.
4.       Beat egg whites till stiff and fold gently into the mixture.
5.       Pour into large greased oven dish and bake at 180 degrees C for 
          1 hour.

Ingredients for Syrup:
1 cup boiling water
1 cup sugar
10ml  coffee powder
5ml  vanilla essence

Ingredients for top:
1 tin caramel
250 ml fresh cream
flake/peppermint crisp chocolate

1.       Boil these together for 5 minutes (or 2 minutes in the microwave).
2.       Pour syrup over the cake while it is warm.
3.       After allowing cake to cool, smear with a tin of caramel, followed by          whipped cream.
4.       Smear the two toppings together to make a marble effect.
5.       Decorate with pieces of broken Flake or peppermint crisp

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