Saturday 5 May 2018

Buttermilk Apple Flapjacks

These golden, fluffy buttermilk flapjacks with apple inside make the perfect Saturday morning breakfast or brunch. They are light and fluffy, and great with sour cream and jam. You can add fresh berries, thinly sliced fruit, or even crumbled crisp bacon for an extra hit of flavour. Avoid overmixing the batter to ensure that the flapjacks will be airy.

1 egg
45ml sugar
1 apple
5ml Vanilla
200 ml buttermilk
100g of flour
Pinch of soda
Pinch of salt
Oil or butter for frying

1.  Mix your egg with sugar and add vanilla extract.
2.  Add buttermilk, mix well and then add flour, soda and pinch of salt.
3.  Grate your apple and add to the mixture. Gently mix in and leave the                 mixture aside for 15-20 min.
4.  Heat your pan with some oil or butter and place about 1 tbsp of mixture                 onto the pan. Cook them on a low/medium heat until you start to see                     bubble appear on top.
5.  Gently flip them over and fry on the other side for 5 min.
6.  Serve immediately with fresh fruit, sour cream or maple syrup. 

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