Sunday 4 January 2015

Mini crumpets/flapjacks - 5/5 platter ideas

These are great. They can be served different ways. My mom used to make them all the time and we've have it with Cheddar/Gouda cheese and jam or syrup. YUMMY stuff!

500ml cake flour
50ml sugar
15ml baking powder
pinch salt
2 eggs
375ml milk
50ml melted butter or margarine

Combine the dry ingredients in a bowl and make a well in the center. 
Beat together the eggs and milk and add to the dry ingredients. 
Mix with a whisk to form a smooth batter. 
Do not over-mix. Mix in the melted butter or margarine. 
Allow the batter to stand for at least 5 minutes.

Heat a shallow to heavy-based saucepan or griddle to moderately hot.
Use a gravy spoon with 15-25ml capacity and drop spoonful of the batter, well apart to allow for spreading, on the hot surface. (You can make smaller if you wish)
Adjust the consistency of the batter by adding a little extra milk if the crumpets are too thick. 
Cook the crumpets over moderate heat until bubbles appear on the surface and start to "pop" or break. 
Turn over with a spatula and cook until golden brown on both sides.
Place on a cooling rack and cover with a cloth to prevent crumpets from drying out. 
Stack and pin with a toothpick with preferred filling

Topping/filling options

Creamy bacon topping (recipe below)
Cream cheese and biltong
Chicken mayonnaise 
Banana slices or mashed banana (cinnamon or nutmeg sprinkled on - optional)
Nutella or similar sweet nutty or chocolate spread
Blue cheese and marmalade
Grated cheddar/gouda cheese and apricot/peach jam
Strawberries and cream

Use your imagination and go crazy. 

Creamy bacon topping

2 x rashes of bacon, chopped into small strips
1 finely chopped shallot
Half a leek, finely chopped,
Nob of butter
30ml cream cheese
Small handful chopped fresh chives

Just fry the shallot and leeks in the butter and when they are soft add the chopped bacon and saute until it starts to turn golden. Add the cream cheese and turn off the heat and just stir until it is all mixed in. 

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