Friday 2 January 2015

Banana Salad

So... This is just a salad that someone somewhere in my life randomly made at a braai. I have no idea who originally came up with it, but my Aunt Lynn-Dee used to make it all the time. It's SUPER easy. And EVERYONE loves it.

2kg banana
Condensed milk and Mayonnaise 1:1
1 Flake chocolate, crumbled/ half a slab of milk chocolate, grated
Lemon Juice

Slice bananas into a bowl. 
Sprinkle fairly with lemon juice. This stops it from going black when making way in advance before serving.
Mix in mayo/condensed milk mixture. (For 2kg banana, I use about 2/3 tin condensed milk to same amount of mayo)
Mix in chocolate bits

As there you go!!
An amazing salad :)

Alternatively, add ±5ml mild curry powder instead of chocolate. 

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