Sunday 4 January 2015

Cherry/bacon wraps - 2/5 platter ideas

So there are a few ways to make these... I LOVE them!!! Quick and easy and delicious. 

Salami Wrapped Cherries

Glazed cherries


Wrap the salami around the cherry, sticking it with a toothpick and cutting the salami off either side. Repeat until all the cherries are done. A salami slice should accommodate 3 cherries. 

Alternatively, wrap cherry in bacon, place in a pan, and bake in the oven at 180 deg C until bacon is cooked through as you desire it.

Bacon Wrapped Cherries with marinade

Bacon of choice
Glazed cherries
1/4 cup honey
15ml brown sugar
5ml cinnamon

Gently wrap bacon around the cherry starting with the cut edge first. 
Pin with a toothpick
Cut bacon to size on either side of cherry.Repeat this process until all cherries are done.
Mix honey, cinnamon, & brown sugar in small container and set aside

Place toothpicks on braai/grill and cook thoroughly on one side (about 2 minutes.)
Flip cherries and baste tops completely with the honey mixture. Turn over (very hot so be careful)
By the time you've basted the other side, the bottom sides should be just about ready to flip and baste with honey mixture.
After basting, let cook for another minute or so. be careful not to burn them though.
Serve hot off the braai/grill

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