Tuesday 15 July 2014

Fridgecake - cheesecake

So my sister-in-law Michele, brings the most amazing cheesecake to a braai we hold at my house for my brothers 25th birthday!! This is a definite MUST-MAKE! It's amazing

Tennis biscuits - 2 packs
150g Margarine/butter to bind the biscuit base
1 Tin condensed milk (397g)
250g plain cream cheese 
250g Masorpone cheese (optional for a bigger batch - but I suggest it)
250g fresh cream
2 fair sized lemons

Crush the biscuits.
Melt the margarine, add to crushed biscuits and press into a glass dish to make the base.
Mix the condensed milk and cream cheese and Masorpone well together.
In a separate bowl beat the fresh cream until thick - soft peak.
Fold in the cream to the cheese mixture.
Add squeezed lemon juice of both lemons.
Place mixture over the biscuits and chill for 3-4 hours before serving.
Decorate as desired.

Michele put some strawberry sauce mix into the mixture to make it more of a strawberry cheesecake. She decorated the top with fresh strawberries. Winner recipe for sure!!!! 

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