Monday 28 July 2014

Apple and Banana Crumble

Here's an easy, fun recipe to enjoy with friends.

250ml cake flour
75g butter/margarine
5ml baking powder
75ml castor sugar/brown sugar
5ml cinnamon
100ml chopped nuts
1x 410g can unsweetened pie apples
3 bananas sliced

Sliced fresh apples dipped in lemon juice
Fresh cream

Rub margarine or butter into flour. 
Add baking powder and castor sugar.
Place apples and bananas into a glass dish and sprinkle with cinnamon and nuts.
Sprinkle crumble mixture over and microwave on High in a NATIONAL microwave oven for 8 - 10 minutes. 
Serve hot with cream or custard. 
Garnish with sliced apples.

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