Tuesday 28 July 2015

Bacon and Egg Muffins - Breakfast in a Cup

This is super awesome!! More Bacon recipes here: http://totallythebomb.com/30-bacon-lover-recipes

12 slices bacon
6 medium eggs
3 slices bread (any kind)
1/2 cup sauteed mushrooms -OR- 6 slices tomato (thin slices)
salt & pepper
thyme, oregano or parsley (optional)

Spray or grease REALLY well a 6-count muffin pan. Really grease that sucks up or the bread or any errant egg white will stick like glue. I'd actually advise using non-stick here.
Partially cook bacon--it should NOT be cooked to crisp. This will just render a lot of the fat out of it. The bacon should be pliable. Drain on paper towels and cool slightly.
Using a cookie cutter or a glass, cut circles roughly the size of the base of the muffin cup.
If you choose to use mushrooms, drain all but 15ml of the bacon fat out of the frying pan. Saute mushrooms for about 5 minutes over medium heat. Set aside.
Preheat oven 205 C.
Place a bread circle at the bottom of each muffin cup. Now fit 2 slices of bacon loosely around the sides in each cup, overlapping as necessary, lining the sides of the muffin cup, forming a bacon "cup".
Place about 1 tbs of the mushrooms on top of the bread circle -OR- place sliced tomato on top of the bread circle.
Finally, break egg and add to the bacon-lined cup on top of the mushrooms/tomato. Sprinkle top of each egg with salt, pepper, and a pinch of any of the herbs (or a combo of all of them) on top of each egg.
Bake at 205 C for 15-20 minutes, or until bacon is cooked to crisp--don't overcook or the bacon will burn!

Makes 6 muffins

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