Tuesday 3 June 2014

Peppermint Crisp Tart

Peppermint Crisp tart is my weakness. This recipe is easy and really good!!

Tennis biscuits
500ml cream
1 tin caramel
Peppermint crisp chocolate
Condensed milk, caramelized. (Optional but gives the best results. Check below on how to do it)

Beat the cream. Mix in the caramel.
Place a layer of tennis biscuits on the bottom of the dish. 
Layer the whip mixture over the biscuits. 
Sprinkle or layer some caramelized condensed milk over the whip mixture. (use your own discretion) 
Repeat the above 3 steps.
Sprinkle peppermint crisp on top.
Place in the fridge to set.

I like to sprinkle some smashed chocolate bits in between the layers too.

Caramelize condensed milk:
Microwave oven method: Pour milk into a glass or ceramic container. Cook at medium (50% power) for 4 minutes, stirring halfway through. Reduce power to medium low (30% power), cook for 12 to 18 minutes, stirring briskly every 2 minutes until smooth, thick and caramel-coloured. Cooking times depends on the wattage of the microwave.

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